Since it’s inception, the Northwoods Chapter of Safari Club International has been dedicated to providing outdoor and hunting experiences for Veterans and special needs or seriously ill youth and adults, who would not otherwise be able to participate in the experience.
In 2014 we supported our special needs youth, James Miller, on a hunt at the Legends Ranch in Bitely, Michigan, with our Ron Hulce Memorial Youth Hunt.
Our 2014 Veteran was Purple Heart recepient, Ted Budek. Ted attended the Billy Ray Parnell Purple Heart Hunt, also at the Legends Ranch.
We are honored to help support these individuals.
At our 2014 Annual Fundraising Banquet, proceeds from one of our Live Auction items was designated specifically in honor of our friend, Curtis Grondin, who lost his life unexpectedly after his vehicle was struck by a drunk driver on December 23, 2013. Working with the DNR, Board Member, Dean Hulce, arranged for a sign at a hunter walking trail to be dedicated in honor of Curtis. On April 28, 2015, a sign was placed at a walking trail in memory of Curtis and his dedication of introducing youth to turkey hunting.